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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Exercise and Weight Loss - How Do You Get Started When You're So Out Of Shape?

I'm glad you've decided to take a step in the direction of exercise and weight loss. Many people decide they want to make a change in their lives via exercise, but rarely take the next step in fulfilling their goals. Now that you know you want to start exercising to lose weight, do you know what exercises to focus on for the best results?

I'll be the first to admit, when I first started I was VERY out of shape. I was getting winded stepping up a flight of stairs. At the beginning, it was pretty frustrating to say the least. I was able to jog for hardly a lap or two before I was so out of breath I could hardly stand up straight. I kept thinking to myself, "How am I going to lose weight if I can't even exercise for more than 5 minutes at a time?" What I didn't understand due to my impatience was that I needed to concentrate on building up my stamina. You'd be surprised as to how quickly your body adapts and your endurance rises over the first few weeks.

My recommendation is to do what you can do in the beginning. If you can only run on a treadmill for 5 minutes, run on a treadmill for 5 minutes. The point is that you are actually moving and burning calories. A great exercise in the beginning is to start a walk/jogging program. When I started I was obviously only able to walk for long distances. As time went on, I decided to add in little spurts of jogging. If you keep adding in more and more jogging, soon you'll be jogging the entire way instead of walking. It's all about building up your stamina day by day. It's important that you give your body time to change, because it WILL happen.

Within a few weeks you will begin to see changes that will astound you. Then you'll be ready to implement more strategic exercises to explode your weight loss. Good Luck!

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