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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

7 Effective Weight Loss Tips

Are you tired of bouncing back and forth between a low weight and a high weight? Do you need a little help to get on track? Maybe you are confused as to what really works with all the crazy fad diets that come out every couple months. There are a few tried and true methods that will help you on the way to your goal weight.

1. Don't focus on losing weight so quickly. Take it slow, to keep it off.

2. Take a realistic look at how many calories and type of food you are eating and make a list.

3. With your list, adjust it until you have a good mixture of carbohydrates, protein, good fats, vegetables and fruits. You may need to cut your portions in half or at least cut them down a little.

4. Start using your new eating habits. You should start to notice a difference within a week or two.

5. Begin an exercise program. The typical program is about 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. You can of course work out more, but ease into it slowly if you were not previously exercising.

6. The healthy amount of weight to lose in a week is about 2 pounds. One for a change in eating habits, and one for exercising.

7. Stick to it! Don't give up if you are not losing very quickly. It takes time to do it right, but it is worth the result in the end.

Before beginning any diet or exercise regimen you should consult with your doctor first.

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For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Plan For Men

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