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Friday, October 18, 2013

Green Tea For Weight Loss - Does it Really Help in Losing Weight?

Do you know if green tea for weight loss really works or not? A proof of this is a nation that has consumed green tea for hundreds of years and has lean and mean people. Yes, people in china have been consuming green tea for ages. So what is it that makes this product so effective for losing weight?

1) Green tea has excellent antioxidant properties that help in improving the immune system and the body metabolism. If the body metabolism improves, then you have more energy available to burn fat. An improved immune system means you will save on energy because you will be able to keep away from disease.

2) This product also helps in regulating the level of glucose in the blood. It has an enzyme called amylase that prevents the increase in blood sugar level after meals. Sugar in the blood is transported and processed into energy by a hormone called insulin. So when blood sugar and insulin levels increase, our body assumes that enough energy is available and hence it starts storing food in the form of fat.

So how does green tea help here? It prevents the digestion of fat so that the body does not process and store fat. Instead, unused food with fat is thrown out as waste rather then being stored. This is achieved by preventing the release of enzymes that process fat food.

3) Regular consumption of green tea helps obese people lose weight and become lean and mean. Other than the weight loss benefits, this product has several other benefits like - reduced risk of heart disease, reduced bad cholesterol level etc.

So if you are serious about losing weight go and grab a pack of green tea for weight loss from the nearest grocery stores.

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